CSC 492: Senior Design
Instructor: Ms. Margaret Heil | Semester: Fall 2021
Table of Contents
# Testing
Your project is expected to include a test plan which is documented with your written reports and updated with your oral reports.
They expect the reports to have two types of testing: unit testing and acceptance testing. Unit tests are small and automated. Acceptance tests test the whole system so you compare against the requirements. They are often complex enough that they're difficult or not worth it to automate, but that's not always the case.
It is beneficial to draft your test plan when you're doing your requirements.
Make sure your acceptance test plan is specific, you should fully describe everything and make it so it's impossible for someone to reasonably do something other than you intend. Make sure you create a test data set for your acceptance tests to you use. Your test data should be (relatively) small and understandable.
In OPR 1 we should report on test plan, test design.