CSC 461: Computer Graphics
Instructor: Dr. Ben Watson | Semester: Fall 2021
Table of Contents
# Administrivia
- Primarily using WebGL via JavaScript.
- Website:
# History
- Brunelleschi (1425): First to invent/define linear perspective.
- Issac Newton (~1675): Discovered white light is a combo of light of all color. Created color wheel.
- Thomas Young, Herman von Helmholtz, James Maxwell (1800s): Improved color theory and created first color photograph/display.
- Ewald Hering (1800s): Theorized that human vision perception resulted in Newton's color wheel and opposing colors.
- Leo Horwich & Dorothea Jameson (1950s): Found evidence for Haring's theory in the brain.
- Pierre Bézier (1950s): Found an elegant mathematical way to describe arbitrary curves.
- Jack Bresenham (1960s): Efficiently solved problem of representing sloped lines on rasterized 2D displays. That is, he used only integer addition and subtraction.
- David Evans: Founded computer science department at University of Utah and hired Ivan Sutherland. Created early rasterization pipeline.
- Ivan Sutherland (1960s): Developed first drawing program while grad student at MIT. Had undo and rubber-banding. Developed first head-mounted (augmented reality) display. Made famous computer graphics lab and University of Utah.
- Many of the people below were in Sutherland's lab!
- Henri Gouraud (1960s): Invented method of shading (Gouraud Shading) to make polygonal models appear smoother.
- Ed Catmull (1900s): Invented z-buffering, texture mapping (to polygons), and new kind of surface.
- Bui Tong Phong: Improved upon Gouraud shading by tweaking the algorithm to run on every pixel (now called Phong Shading). This was not feasible for high-performance use cases until recently.
- Jim Blinn: Improved Phong shading (now called Blinn-Phong shading). Developed bump mapping and environment mapping.
- Turner Whitted: NCSU student! Invented/improved ray tracing/casting, including handling of shadows, reflection, and refraction.
- Jim Clarke (1980s): Developed methods of describing surface patches. Founded silicon graphics (hardware graphics company) and co-founded Netscape.
The Utah teapot is a teapot that was modeled by Martin Newell. It was the first realistic, somewhat complex model to see widespread use for testing objects. It's good because it casts shadows on itself, is immediately recognizable, and it doesn't need to be textured to look good. However, it's also not so complex as to be difficult to render or massive in size. It also got squished at some point!
# Ray Casting/Tracing
## History
Arthur Apple invented ray casting in 1968, that is following the light backwards by moving rays from the camera to other places.
A camera obscura, also known as a pinhole camera, is camera formed by allowing light to enter through a small pinhole in the surface. This requires there to be a large difference in brightness from the inside of the camera to the outside. Pinhole cameras are theorized to have first come up from pinhole cameras being naturally formed by tree foliage.
## Terms
Here are some terms for camera movement:
- Dolly: Move forward/backward
- Pedestal: Move up/down.
- Truck: Move left/right.
- Pitch: Look up/down.
- Pan: Look left/right.
- Roll: Rotate left/right.
Ray casting is a way of creating images from a specific perspective in a scene.
Any camera has the following properties:
- Position: Point in 3D space where the camera sits.
- Look-at Vector: Vector which points in the direction where the camera is looking. This defines pitch and pan.
- Look-up Vector: Vector which points directly up relative to the camera. This defines roll.
- Field of View (FOV): Number of degrees by which the sight vectors can deviate from the look-at vector. There can be a vertical and a horizontal FOV which changes the aspect ratio and corresponding camera's frustum.
- Aspect Ratio (W:H): Ratio of the width of the viewable area to the height.
The camera's goal is determine what each pixel should be on the viewport. The viewport is a fictional surface some short distance away from the camera that fits within the frustum. This viewport has pixels and to fill in those pixels we cast rays from the camera to the pixel. Using those rays we fill in the color of the pixel.
We often have a near-clip plane which is some distance away from the camera before we starting casting rays and a far-clip plane which is where we stop casting rays (almost like they've hit fog). Inside these two planes we have a frustum which is like a 3D trapezoid.
Simple ray casters only don't deal with illumination because they only cast a single ray and don't consider how it may bounce off the surface. That is, they hit the surface and register that point.
For that you'd have to do ray tracing. Ray tracing logically continues the ray by allowing it to bounce off surfaces and only stop if it either goes too far or hits a light source. It further considers how the surfaces would impact the color or quality of the light. That is if you hit a white surface and then bounce off and hit a green light, the pixel will appear slightly green. This enables high quality shadows, reflection, and refraction.
A Cornell box is a standard test scene for computer graphics. You have a block with two different color walls on the left and right, a white background wall and ceiling, a ceiling with a hole in it to let light thru, and a colored object filling up most of the scene. This is particularly useful to test color bleeding, where colors reflect onto nearby objects and seem to "bleed" onto them.
## Math
When doing ray casting, you need to know what objects you're dealing with so you can do the correct math.
Often when doing computer graphics, we want to do bilinear interpolation (bi-lerp). That is, suppose you have a rectangle with some important properties at each corner (UL, UR, LL, LR). Bilinear interpolation gives you a way to calculate/interpolate the value of those properties at any point within the rectangle.
# This assumes x and y are normalized from 0 to 1
= * + *
= * + *
return * + *
### Finding Ray
To find the ray for a specific pixel, we need the location of the eye
To find the coordinates of the pixel
To define the ray's position at any time
### Ellipsoid Collisions
Now if you plug-in the equation of the ray into the ellipse equation and solve for
Since this is just a quadratic, we can use the quadratic formula!
If we get one value of
Now once you've found solution(s) for
### Triangle Collisions
A triangle is defined by three points
To do this, we need to find the normal (vector) of triangle
This vector
This gives us a test function for whether a point is on the surface of the triangle. That is, for all points
However, there's an issue! We don't know what
Now again like we did with ellipsoids, if you plug in the ray at time
Solving for
Now, to find
Now that we have
### Picking the Right Collisions
Now once you have all your collisions with all objects, you need to pick the first intersection you care about. You do this by picking the one with the smallest
## Local Illumination
Local illumination is a method for determining the color a given ray should result in. We'll be discussing Phong shading and then Blinn-Phong shading.
Bui Tong Phong's illumination algorithm cares about 5 vectors when a ray hits the surface:
(view): Vector from point to eye. (light): Vector from point to light. (normal): Vector normal to surface. (reflection): reflected across the normal .- We find
by finding the components of which are parallel and non-parallel to . We then define .
- We find
(half): Vector halfway between and (just take the average).
Note that we expect all these vectors to be unit vectors (i.e. normalized).
There are three terms of Phong's model:
- Ambient
(color): Shadows. Approximates indirect light. Light that lights up everything including shadows. - Diffuse
(directional): Matte lighting. Follows Lambert's Law. Simulates how brightness of light on a surface depends on angle between the surface and light source. This emulate how light "grazing" the surface doesn't light it up much (low density of photons) but light directly hitting a surface is brighter (high density of photons) - Specular
(highlights): Bright spot. Depends on angle between eye and light source. This emulates mirror-like reflections.
You add all these terms together to get the color:
To find the ambient lighting
Note that this simulation of a single ambient light source is crude because the ambient light comes from somewhere so it's color will be affected.
To find the diffuse lighting
To find the specular lighting
Combining all these lights we get
James Blinn improved the specular lighting part of the Phong shading model, making it the Blinn-Phong shading model. He observed that specular lighting really occurs more when
Now in Blinn-Phong shading we get
## Ray Tracing
We will incrementally build ray tracing up from ray casting.
The first step is to consider shadows. To determine if a point is in shadow, whenever you find a collision cast a ray from it to the light source(s). If that ray collides with anything, then don't include the diffuse or specular light from the Blinn-Phong model.
Note: The following math might not be right.
Now for reflections, you have to find the reflection ray
Now, to handle the reflections we have a new coefficient
We handle refraction similarly to reflections except we do different math to find the refraction ray
One issue with ray tracing is it only considers specular reflections. That is when you have a crisp clear reflection. It doesn't consider diffuse reflections, that is "color bleeding" style reflections.
Also, ray tracing is computationally intensive. One way to improve performance is the split the world into cubes recursively. Before we check for collisions of objects in the box, we determine if the ray collides with the box at all. We have the boxes recursively so we can hone in on the collided box(es) similar to how binary search works.
# Rasterization
Rasterization is an alternative method of rendering objects to ray casting. It is (especially was) the most common method of rendering 3D objects because of how cheap and hardware friendly it is. Sadly, rasterization is more complicated to understand and harder to add shadows, reflections, and refractions.
One important difference of rasterization is that you will be doing full shading on every single object in the model because, when we're doing shading, we don't know yet which object is closest. This gets worse the more triangles/objects you have stacked up. That is the depth complexity of the scene.
So why is rasterization faster? It's (relatively) easy to cut out unnecessary pixels for each object's pass which can save huge amounts of work because most objects only show up in a tiny number of pixels.
We can also do deferred shading, where our first pass is just to solve occlusion (i.e. figure out which objects are in front), saving a bunch of information, and then we do shading with this information.
Given a pixel in a triangle, how do you interpolate the values at the coordinates? You first find out how far along you are along two of the edges. Once you have that, you can do bilerp as normal. Find the value on the edge of your point to your left and right. Then you find where you are between your left and right points and do the weighted sum again.
The naive way to do this, using world coordinates, is called affine bilinear interpolation and results in morphing and skewed textures. We can resolve this using perspective interpolation
For perspective interpolation, you need to
- Perform perspective divide to go to 3d:
. - Append the denominator:
. - Perform bilerp to point
including the denominator: . - Undo the divide:
Note: OpenGL/WebGL automatically does this for us.
## Rasterization in OpenGL/WebGL
Instead of logically looping over pixels and then objects (image-order), you iterate over all objects and then pixels (object-order). However, most graphics APIs (e.g. OpenGL) handle this iteration for you.
A vertex shader takes all the objects in your scene (whose vertexes are 3D points) and outputs coordinates those vertexes should appear on the screen. In OpenGL, this is programmable and must produce output into gl_Position
With these now projected vertexes and an index array describing the triangles, the rasterizer chops the triangles into pieces called fragments. These fragments are the pixels which intersect with the triangle. In OpenGL, this is not programmable.
Now, the fragment shader must color the fragments produced by the rasterizer. In OpenGL, this is programmable and must produce output into gl_FragColor
Now, the compositor combines these fragments. In OpenGL, this is not programmable but is configurable. For example, the compositor may do hidden surface removal by ignore/removing pixels behind the frontmost one. There may also be transparency where you instead take averages.
# OpenGL/WebGL
Khronos is the group which maintains OpenGL and WebGL. WebGL is an web-based implementation of OpenGL.
OpenGL was born as Iris GL, which was a proprietary API owned by Silicon Graphics. In the 90s however, they decided to make it an open specification.
WebGL 1.0 was a descendant of OpenGL ES 2.0. WebGL 2.0 was released in 2018 and is a descendant of OpenGL ES 3.0.
For OpenGL, you need to know GLSL (Graphics Language Shader Language). GLSL code is compiled and executed by the GPU.
Vulkan, aka OpenGL Next 5.0, is a lower-level rework of a lot of OpenGL for the purpose of being more cross-platform and having better performance.
Metal is a MacOS based API similar to Vulkan. It was developed before Vulkan. Mantle is that for AMD. Direct3D is that for Windows.
## Usage
The process for rendering in WebGL is
- Set up WebGl.
- Load model.
- Process model.
- Render result.
See these rendering primitives in WeblGL:
The vertex shader (programmed in GLSL) takes in attributes, per-vertex info like position and color; and uniforms, such as ambient light and perspective. It produces varyings, per-vertex values to be interpreted by fragment shader; gl_Position
, the position of the vertex in clipping space; and gl_PointSize
, the size of the point sprite.
The fragment shader takes in the varyings from the vertex shader and the same uniforms the vertex shader got. Then it outputs gl_FragColor
, the color of the fragment which is used when only one render target is used; and gl_FragData[]
, fragment colors when multiple render targets are used.
How do we debug shaders? Keep them simple and correct, visualize debug values, possibly implement them in JavaScript. There's also some tools in the console. There's also an extension called WebGL insight.
OpenGL 2.0 removed matrix math. There's a useful library called glMatrix
which re-implements the removed matrix code.
Here's a cheatsheet for WebGL 2.0:
# 3D Models
In this class, we prefer convex polygons because it makes it more simple to determine if we are inside the polygon or not.
We additional prefer to deal with triangles because they always define a plane. You can convert every polygon to triangles (i.e. triangulate the polygon) however.
If we have a complex surface, to convert it to a polygon we sample the surface at several points (at regular intervals) to define vertexes of the surface. We then connect the appropriate vertexes with edges to create the triangles.
After this, we have a minimally described 3D model. We often go further and add attributes to the model to describe its material(s) and how they reflect light.
We can also define vertex normals, which are normals pointing out from vertexes. These are included in attributes and are often used to shade the surface in a way to hide its facets / polygons.
# Transforms
We describe transforms of coordinates using matrixes. You can intuitively see how this works for rotation and scaling but it's not immediately clear how this works for translations.
The trick to make it work for translation is that we add an additional element to every vector, so we deal with vectors in
A transformation matrix on homogeneous coordinates (
## Translation, Scaling, & Rotation
Here's an example of a translation
Here's an example of a (one-dimensional) scaling
Here's an example of a rotation (around the
To compose transformations, we multiply their matrixes together. The rightmost one is applied first. The leftmost one is applied last.
All transformations are done relative to the origin. While this doesn't matter for translation, it does matter for rotation and scaling. To account for this, apply a translation to move one vertex to the origin, do your operation, and then apply the inverse translation to move that vertex back.
Composite rotations are confusing because earlier rotations changes the axis of rotation for future rotation. We can sidestep this issue by defining a rotation fully. That is, instead of composite rotations we define change of basis from one orthonormal basis to another. Intuitively, this is like applying a (complex) rotation to all 3 axes in unison.
To define a rotation around an axis, we change the basis of the current system so that the new
Note: You can actually interpret all transformations as either changing the coordinate system or moving the object. It doesn't matter.
## Types of Transforms
- Rigid Body: Translation or rotation. Preserves angles and lengths.
- Affine: Rigid body or scale. Preserves parallelism.
- Perspective: Does not preserve parallelism.
## Transforms & Normal Vectors
Just applying the transformations you make to a model's vectors to its normal vectors doesn't necessarily make sense. This works for uniform transformations, that is transformations which don't change the shape of the model. However, if you have something like a skew which modifies the shape of the object, then the normal vectors will be affected in weird ways.
Consider a rectangle which is made into a parallelogram by pushing the top to the right, that is the left and right side are skewed but the top and bottom remain parallel. If we were to apply this transformation to the normal vectors naively, then the normal vector of the top would become slanted but the normal vector of the right would remain unaffected. However, this is exactly what we don't want.
Suppose we have some model
# Projections
Using the standard viewing coordinates of an eye at the origin looking towards positive
Notice that we are dividing by
The way we do projection is we take our arbitrary viewing setup / eye, described by a set of 3 (orthogonal basis)
In WebGL this is mat4.lookAt(...)
Then we have our standard projection matrix
In WebGL this is mat4.perspective(...)
or mat4.frustrum(...)
Thus we get our complete projection transformation
We're almost done but not quite. Our window is currently from -1 to 1 in both
In WebGL this is gl.viewport(...)
Note: Every model is defined with its own arbitrary origin. So to not have all of these models overlap, we have to first transform the model coordinates to world coordinates using that model's specific offset. These are done in WebGL using the using the standard mat4.{translate,scale,rotate}(...)
This gives us a final pipeline of:
- Model Coordinates
- Modeling Transform
- World Coordinates
- Viewing Transform
- Viewing Coordinates
- Projection Transform
- Normalized Device Coordinates
- Viewport Transform
- Device Coordinates
## Parallel vs Perspective Projections
For certain aesthetic or functional reasons, you might need to choose between parallel and perspective projections.
In parallel/orthographic projections, the eye is a plane and all view vectors are parallel. In perpsective projections, the eye is a point and no view vectors are parallel.
Perspective projection approaches perspective projection as you get farther and farther away.
# Hardware & The Graphics Pipeline
In OpenGL 3, there were two programmable shaders: the vertex shader and fragment shader. They are run in that order.
In OpenGL 3, they added a geometry shader between the vertex and fragment shader. And they were run in that order. The geometry shader is often unused because it forced a specific ordering on your fragments which slows down performance. Although WebGL is based off of OpenGL 3, it does not have the geometry shader.
In OpenGL 4, a tessellation shader was added. It takes high level surface specifications (e.g. spline patches) and then convert them to triangles. This is used to reduce the number of data passed in.
One reason that GPUs are fast is because of pipeline parallelism. That is they split the many steps needed to do rendering into steps and then do those steps on different things at the same time, instead of waiting for one shape to make it through the entire pipeline before starting the new one.
One disadvantage of pipelining is that it is almost impossible to balance loads, there is significant bandwidth use from transferring data from piece to piece, and likewise there is significant start-up and shut-down costs. It also cannot do cull optimization, where we skip certain steps if we discover they're unnecessary.
There is another optimization called SIMD parallelism. It applies a Single operation/Instruction to Multiple pieces of Data without moving the data. It is good because you don't have to transfer data from place to place like in a pipeline. You also don't have to balance loads because there is only a single place doing the work. However, it fails if you have one piece of data that has to do different operation (e.g. one vertex has to be clipped but not all). It also struggles to broadcast data to every piece of data it's acting on.
NIMD parallelism is what happens when you use both.
There is another part of GPUs called the compute shader. They allow the GPU to be used for general purpose computing, that is things that are not specifically graphics, for example machine learning.
# Shading
Shading is the process of determining the color of a piece of a polygon, called a fragment (triangle).
For shockingly long, we had no hardware support for dealing with fragments and their shading. There was only vertex transformations, and eventually some support for vertex lighting.
There are many different shading methods.
The simplest shading method is called flat (i.e. per-triangle) shading. Each triangle has its own normal and that normal is used for every fragment's pixel in the fragment shader. This results in sharp facets/edges between triangles, which we don't want in general.
There's another method called Gouraud (i.e. per-vertex) shading. The idea is you calculate the shading at each vertex using the vertex normals and then interpolate colors. This results in smoother colors but with the facets/edges still somewhat visible.
How do we get the vertex normal? If we're tessellating a patch we might be lucky enough to be able to directly calculate the normals. Otherwise, we can take the average of all the surrounding face normals.
Yet another method is called Phong (i.e. per-fragment) shading. The idea is you use the normal vectors at the vertex and interpolate the 3 vertex normals of the triangle your in, at your position. This results in much smoother shading with no obvious facets/edges, much better than even Gouraud shading. This was the first shading technique where specular highlights really looked good. Note that you must always re-normalize your interpolated normal vector in order to ensure it is always a unit vector, otherwise they might end up too short and result in weird/dim lighting because of that.
Note: Unlike Gouraud shading, Phong shading wasn't possible to do interactively until decades after his death once hardware caught up. This should make sense because with Gouraud shading, you're calculating very few colors and just doing basic interpolation to get the colors of every fragment. However, with Phong you're not only performing all the normal calculations but also interpolating vectors and normalizing them.
Note: In practice, you only want either Phong shading, because it's so smooth, or flat shading, for the aesthetic. Gouraud shading is just a less smooth smooth shading algorithm than Phong shading.
## Smooth Objects vs Non-smooth Objects
Sometimes, the smooth shading models of Gouraud and Phong shading look terrible, for example with sharply angled shapes or shapes that are not supposed to be smooth. Since these models try to smooth out edges, they can look wrong or with sharply angled shapes, very weird. For example, with a cube those shading models will shade the cube almost as if it were a super low-poly sphere.
# Texturing / Texture Mapping
Texture mapping is the process of adding colors to models. In its simplest form, you are just wrapping some 2D image around a surface.
This process can be extended with alpha which allows parts of the model to be partially or fully transparent. Likewise it can be extended with bump mapping, which allows texture mapping affect lighting calculations. There are also the techniques of shadow mapping and relief mapping.
What makes texture mapping possible is having a mathematically well-defined coordinate system for the surface of a model.
For clarity, we call the pixels in the texture texels and use
## Getting - Coordinates
Where do we get these
If you aren't doing that, we can do a 2-stage approach. First, you map the texture to a simple shape logically containing that object in its center. Then, you map that simple shapes texture onto the object. You want the simple shape to as closely match the object's shape as possible.
If your object or texture is more complicated such that a 2-stage approach won't work, you have to manually build up the texture mapping. There are tools and techniques to make this easier. For example, you can break the object's surface into chunks and texture the chunks. These chunks' textures may then be stored separately or packed into a single image.
## Applying Textures
Given a
There's broadly two ways this can arise: magnification and minification. Magnification is when the pixel is smaller than the texel and you have to expand the texture. Minification is when the pixel spans multiple texels.
### Magnification: Nearest Neighbor vs Linear Interpolation
The two common ways to handle magnification, that is when your pixel falls within a texel, is either using nearest neighbor or linear interpolation. For nearest neighbor, you just pick the closest texel and use it exactly. This tends to be very fast but often looks bad with sharp lines and aliasing. Linear interpolation means you interpolate the color of the pixel from the neighboring texels. This is slower but often yields smoother, more attractive textures. Note: For certain styles, like pixel-art or pixelated styles, you want to use nearest neighbor to get sharp colors.
In OpenGL, you can pick between these two methods with glTexParameteri(...)
by choosing either GL_NEAREST
Note: Generally, magnification is somewhat unsolved. That is we can't zoom in infinitely. We're limited by the quality of our imagery / textures.
### Minification: Mipmapping
Note: It feels like minification might only happen at a distance where the objects themselves seem very small so of course the pixels cover many texels. However, it's important to realize that minification also occurs when looking at things side-long / almost tangent to the surface because then again
For minification, we have the opposite issue where we have several texels within a single pixel. This has the issue of sharp edges tend to either get lost or even worse become spotty, as only some of the pixels pick the edge texel or none of them pick it strongly. This can be fixed with mipmapping. MIP is short for multum in parvo (i.e. many in a small place).
Logically, mipmapping is the process of averaging the values of all the texels within the pixel. However, this is difficult to do in real time, so instead mipmapping has pre-computed scaled down versions of the texture (normally two times scaling at each level). Each of these scales has a
Then, at runtime you determine your pixels size in texture space
How do you pick the appropriate texture scale? You want to match the size of your texels to that of your pixels. So if your pixel takes up
Of course you almost never line up exactly with a given scale, so you have to do something to figure that out. For trilinear mipmapping, you need to look at the two values of
You can still have smoother images with less aliasing without things fading by using anisotropic filtering. This means you don't average over as much of the texture which leads to images still being sharp far away. Basically, this is just a better approximation of the size of the pixel in texture space.
## Wrapping
What happens if our texture coordinates exit the 0 to 1 range? There are three main ways: repeating, mirroring, and clamping. These should hopefully be intuitive by name. For repeating, you do mod and cycle the texture. For mirroring you start going down in coordinates. For clamping you just take either 0 or 1 if you're outside of the range.
Normally you won't really want to use clamping if you're expecting the texture coordinates to go far beyond the range. However, repeating and mirroring often times look very repetitive or plain.
## Lighting & Multi-texturing
Normally we'll want to either modulate or replace the color. For modulate, we use the Blinn-Phong illumination using the color of the texture as the material. Or alternatively, multiply the color from the texture by the color of the fragment after illumination. For replace, we simply set the color to be that of the texture.
Note: We multiply the color rather than averaging. This results in a much more intuitive and attractive combination.
You can also overlay textures (often pre-computed light textures) to improve the quality. You do the same strategy here as you would for modulating the color using the Blinn-Phong lighting model, just the lighting gotten from a pre-computed texture. This is called light mapping.
# Hidden Surface Removal
With rasterization, you don't get occlusion for free. That is, by default with rasterization you render and display all objects no matter if something is blocking them or not and the "winning" object (i.e. the one actually displayed) is just the one rendered last. Hidden surface removal is the process of hiding or not displaying the parts of the image you cannot see.
## Back-face Culling
One way to do partial hidden surface removal is back-face culling. For this, you simply don't render triangles which are occluded. This has the benefit on cutting down on the number of objects rendered.
How do we determine if a triangle is back-facing, that is should be culled? The simplest way is to take the dot product of the view vector (from collision to eye) and the normal vector of the collision. If it's negative, then the triangle is back-facing.
How do we know the normal vector of the triangle? The model could tell us. Alternatively, we could choose a convention so that we can tell the facing by the order of the triangle's vertexes. Typically, we say a triangle is facing you if the vertexes are winding counterclockwise and is facing away from you if they're clockwise.
Back-face culling is not a full solution to hidden surface however. For one, this does assume that we never want to see the back faces of a model. This is true for closed models but not for open ones. Additionally, this does not work if we have have occluded front-faces. For example consider looking at a torus/donut from the side, both the inside and outside of the donut are facing us but we only want to see the outside.
## Painters Algorithm
The painters algorithm renders objects in order of depth, from farthest to closet by sorting all the triangles by view depth (i.e. distance from eye) first before rendering. This naturally means that the farthest objects will be overwritten/occluded by the closest objects as desired.
This has a problem for intersecting polygons or polygons where neither one is clearly in front of the others, for example with cyclic relationships, like with the lid on a cardboard box. Also, sorting every single frame is somewhat slow.
Then if you try to sort by pixel it's even harder.
## Z-buffering
The most common technique to do this is called z-buffering. This is mostly implemented in hardware at this point, which is why it's so fast and common.
Logically, every single fragment has a
Implementation wise, you add a depth buffer or z-buffer, alongside the frame buffer, which is initialized with max
Pros: Z-buffering is really fast (linear) and you can render triangles in any order.
Cons: You have issues if the depth is identical where the winning object will be chosen arbitrarily, called z-fighting (a modelling issue, easy to avoid). This is especially bad if you have low-resolution depth information (e.g. with very far away objects). It's also inefficient with high depth complexity because you're gonna spend a lot of time rendering objects that will never be shown. Z-buffering also doesn't work well with transparency (naively).
## Binary Space Partition (BSP) Tree Depth Sort
Logically, a BSP is a data structure that allows us to efficiently (
To construct a binary space partition, choose an arbitrary polygon and make it the root. Then split the space into polygons in front of the root and those behind the root. If a polygon is on both sides then it must be split. The front is one side of the tree and the back is the other. Then you recurse to those subtrees.
Note: We can have heuristics that help us choose the root polygon to more evenly split the space to be more efficient. Tho sometimes bad partitions are inevitable. Consider for example a convex shape like a dodecahedron. No matter what face you choose, all of the faces are on the other side.
Also, notice that this doesn't work in the naive way of repeating cubes. This way is more efficient by respecting the geometry of the triangles.
To traverse a BSP, compare the eye to the root of the tree. Recurse towards the side nearer (or farther) the eye, output the current root polygon, and then recurse towards the side farther (or nearer) the eye.
Pros: Fast (
Cons: Slow (
# Displays
A vector display has no pixels. Instead, you have a stateful drawing head which you move (either drawing or not) using vectors. These are also called random displays since you can draw the display in any order. These predate raster displays. A modern example of vector displays are EKGs, pen plotters, and CNC routers.
A raster display has a regular scan that go over a regular array of pixels. Although modern displays don't actually require a physical scan over their pixels, we still do it for backwards compatibility reasons. Raster displays have become the most common kind of display. Let's go over their pros and cons.
- Raster displays allow the display update speed to be different than the image update speed (i.e. refresh rate != frame rate). This means your display won't flicker when drawing complex things.
- Raster displays are significantly faster than vector displays.
- Raster displays can fill in shapes easily, while vector displays can really only draw wireframes.
- Raster displays can have much more complex colors more easily. Vector displays struggle significantly to do color.
- Raster displays have significant aliasing, especially with large pixels.
However, there are alternatives to both vector and raster displays. Most alternatives focus on having lower latency than current displays, driven primarily by video conferencing and virtual reality.
Plasma displays were invented in the 60s and most popular in the 80s and 90s. Their main benefit is they allow for partial updates, where you can update only the parts of the screen that have updated, rather than having to stream all the pixels all the time. They can do this because the display itself "remembers" what was displayed. They fell out of favor because they suffered from severe burn in, were expensive, and were generally outclassed by cheaper LCD screens or higher quality OLED screens.
High dynamic range (HDR) displays are displays with a significantly larger range of brightness, normally
Near-eye light field displays are displays which are meant to be comfortable up close. Currently, virtual reality displays are fairly bulky in part due to the large lenses that must go in front of the display for them to be comfortable to look at. However, with near-eye light field displays, you can have a display roughly 1cm thick right against your eye that is still comfortable to look at. Nvidia has been doing research on this in particular. These work by having a micro-lense array that cover a traditional OLED array that presents several views of an image from slightly different angles. When close to your eye, we perceive this as a single image.
Since the same image must be rendered from several different views, this complicates rendering and makes rasterization in particular difficult. It also significantly reduces the perceived spatial resolution because you're essentially getting a smaller screen to render onto.
However, this does solve the vergence-accommodation conflict issue that affects current VR. Vergence is about stereoscopy and accommodation is about having one object (of your choice) in focus. So the conflict is where we have stereoscopic information but cannot independently focus on objects in the scene. This messes with our brain's depth sensing machinery and can cause nausea or headaches in users of VR as well as inaccurate depth perception.
# Images
## Transparency
Normally, to describe colors we use red-green-blue (RGB). However, this can be enhanced with transparency into red-green-blue-alpha (RGBA).
Suppose you have some fragment in front of an already colored buffer. To find the new color given some transparency
Notice that with this formulation, order matters! This is good because it's also what we'd naturally want.
Suppose you have a blue buffer
This complicates rasterization because then we must sort by depth. That is, first you render all the opaque triangles with z-buffering. Then, render the transparent triangles from back to front. While rendering the triangles, turn off z-write and render the frontmost triangles (i.e. not occluded) without updating the z-buffer values.
## Frame Buffer
Raster displays have a frame buffer which is the raw image data of the image on the display. (This normally exists on the GPU.) To put images onto the display, you have to write the image data to the frame buffer. The display then displays out the content of the frame buffer while it is scanning.
This is part of what enables raster displays to separate display refresh rate from frame (update) rate.
However, this has a flaw: screen tearing. When the frame buffer updates in the middle of a display refresh, there are multiple frames being displayed at the same time. This is unattractive, so we want some way to synchronize display updates with frame buffer updates.
### Double Buffering / Vsync
The simplest way to do this through something called double buffering or vsync. Here, you have two buffers: the front buffer and the back buffer. The display only reads from the front buffer while the GPU reads from the back buffer. Then, we do a buffer swap when the is done displaying the front buffer (a so called vertical sync or vsync), we swap the buffers.
This method has one main issue: delay / latency. Your GPU has to wait for the display to finish displaying the frame (a vsync) before rendering the next frame.
We can mitigate this by triple buffering. In fact, you could go on and on forever to attempt to reduce tearing! This results in smoother motion at expense of increased latency.
### G-Sync / FreeSync
Another newer way to solve this issue is by flipping the relationship. That is, the GPU tells the monitor when to do another scan rather than the monitor telling the GPU when to render another frame. This results in no screen tearing and also less latency than double-buffering.
This was initially developed by Nvidia under the name G-Sync but there is an open alternative called FreeSync which was initially developed by AMD.
## Stenciling
Stenciling is a technique of clipping renders to only be inside a certain area or stencil. This is most often useful for reflections in rasterization.
Suppose you are looking at an object over a large reflective disk. A common way to render the reflection is by reflecting your viewport across the reflection plane and rendering the object again.
However, naively this would result in the object being visible outside of just the reflective disk. If we add a stencil of the shape of the reflective disk in our eyesight and only render the reflection within that stencil, then we see the reflection as desired.
This works by having a stencil buffer that you write into and check before outputting/rendering the color.