PY 205: Physics I (Mechanics & Energy)

Instructor: Dr. Kory Green | Semester: Spring 2019

Table of Contents

Sadly I did not scan in my paper notes for this class, so all I have is this small cheatsheet.

# Units

## Fundamental Units

DimensionSymbolSI Unit
LengthLmeter (m)
MassMkilogram (kg)
TimeTsecond (s)

## Derived Units

DimensionSI Unit
Areasquare meter (m2)
Volumecubic meter (m3)
Velocitymeters per second (m/s)
Accelerationmeters per second per second (m/s2)
ForceNewtons or (N=kgm/s2)
PressureNewtons per meter (N/m=kg/s2)

## SI Prefixes

tera- (T)12
giga- (G)9
mega- (M)6
kilo- (k)3
centi- (c)-2
milli- (m)-3
micro- (μ)-6
nano- (n)-9
pico- (p)-12
fempto- (f)-15

# Kinematics

SymbolPropertySI Units
x or yPositionm

## Equations

## Constants

# Rotation

## Variables

SymbolPropertySI Units
θAngle/Angular Positionrad
ωAngular speedrad/s
αAngular accelerationrad/s2
τTorque (angular force)Nm
IMoment of inertiakgm2
FFrequency1/s or Hz
vLinear velocitym/s
ac=arCentripetal/center-seeking accelerationm/s2
atTangential accelerationm/s2

## Equations

### Common Moments of Inertia

Rod attached in middleI=112MR2
Rod attached on endI=13MR2
Thin circular hoopI=MR2 and I=12MR2
Thin solid diskI=12MR2 and I=14MR2
Hollow sphereI=23MR2
Solid sphereI=25MR2

## Vocab

# Newtonian Physics

## Principles

## Laws

  1. F=0a=0
  2. F=ma=ddt(mv)
  3. Equal and opposite reaction.

## Types of Forces

## Equations for Forces

Force TypeEquationNote
WeightW=mg=mGMbodyr2Assumes uniform gravitational field.
NormalN=FinsideThe force that prevents two bodies from intersecting.
SpringFsp=kxk is the unique spring constant.
BouyantB=ρfluidgVdispFor fully submered bodies, Vdisp=Vobj.

# Energy

## Vocabulary

## Principles

## Variables

SymbolPropertySI Units
WWork / Change in EnergyJ
PPower / Rate of Change in EnergyJ/s or W
UPotential EnergyJ
UgGravitational Potential EnergyJ
UspSpring Potential EnergyJ
KEKinetic EnergyJ

## Equations

### Energy Equations

Energy TypeEquationsNotes
Potential Spring Energy (Us)12kx2
Potential Gravitational Energy (Ug)mghAssumes uniform gravitational field
Translational Kinetic Energy (KE)12mv2
Rotational Kinetic Energy (KE)12Iω2