E 102: Engineering in the 21st Century

Instructor: Ms. Hailey Queen | Semester: Spring 2019

Table of Contents

# Administrivia

## Professor

## TA

## Grades

15%HomeworkMoodle Assignments (14)
20%Midterm ExamIn class, closed notes
15%PaperBased on Grand Challenges
15%Team PosterBased on Grand Challenges
30%Final ExamComprehensive

# Grand Challenges

## Categories

## Enhancing Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is all about simulating reality so we can have more control in education, training, entertainment, and even more scenarios.

Currently, the main components are goggles/headsets, headphones/earbuds, and movement sensors. In the future, omnidirectional treadmills, touch simulators, and possibly other tools will become part of the standard VR toolset.

This has connections to [personalizing learning](#Advance Personalized Learning)

## Advance Personalized Learning

## Carbon Sequestration

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Diagram

## Manage the Nitrogen Cycle

Nitrogen Cycle Diagram

## Reverse-Engineering the Brain

## Health Informations

## Preventing Nuclear Terror

### Anantomy of Nuclear Weapons/Reactor

## Restore Urban Infrastructure

# Majors

## Biomedical Engineering

## Chemical Engineering

### Jobs

## Industrial and System Engineering

### Impacts

## Material Science Engineering

## Nuclear Engineering

### Fusion

### Fission

### Medical Field

## Paper Science and Engineering

### Finances

## Civil Engineering